
University of Athens,

Faculty of Pharmacy, Greece

Volcanic olive oil - Virgin Olive Oil

Certified By World Olive Center for Health

What exactly is the Health Claim on an EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL ?

An extra virgin olive oil with a Health Claim refers to a high-quality olive oil that meets specific criteria set by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) or other recognized health organizations. The claim is based on the presence of compounds that offer scientifically proven health benefits.

Key Features:

High Polyphenol Content:
These oils are rich in phenolic compounds, especially hydroxytyrosol and its derivatives (e.g., oleuropein and tyrosol).
According to the EFSA, for an olive oil to carry a health claim, it must contain at least 5 mg of hydroxytyrosol and its derivatives per 20 g (daily serving).

Health Benefits of Polyphenols:
Protection against oxidative stress: Polyphenols help protect blood lipids (like LDL cholesterol) from oxidative damage, a key factor in cardiovascular diseases.

Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties: These compounds may contribute to overall health by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the body.

Strict Quality Standards:
The oil must meet the criteria for extra virgin olive oil, meaning it’s mechanically pressed without heat or chemicals and has low acidity (≤ 0.8% free oleic acid).
It should also have no defects in taste or aroma.


The health claim is often explicitly stated on the label, typically something like:
“Olive oil polyphenols contribute to the protection of blood lipids from oxidative stress. The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 20 g of olive oil.”

Market Premium:
Oils with health claims often command higher prices due to the added health benefits and the care required in their production (e.g., early harvest, specific olive varieties, precise processing, and storage).

Special Harvesting and Processing:
To achieve higher polyphenol levels, producers often harvest olives early (green stage) and use careful processing techniques to preserve bioactive compounds.

Why It Matters:
Extra virgin olive oil with a health claim isn’t just a flavorful addition to your diet; it’s also a functional food, meaning it provides additional health benefits beyond basic nutrition. It’s especially valued in the Mediterranean diet, which is renowned for its role in promoting heart health and longevity.

Too complicated maybe ? Lest simplify it as simple as possible. An extra virgin olive oil with a health claim is like a supercharged version of regular olive oil. It’s made from high-quality olives, picked and pressed carefully to preserve their natural goodness. What makes it special is that it’s packed with natural compounds called polyphenols.

These are powerful antioxidants that help protect your body from damage caused by things like stress and pollution.

In simple terms, it’s not just tasty—it’s also great for your health. If you eat a couple of tablespoons a day (about 20 grams), it can help keep your heart healthy by protecting your cholesterol from turning bad. It’s like giving your body a tiny shield against aging and disease.

This type of olive oil usually comes from early-harvested olives, which means the oil has a bold, peppery taste. It’s often a bit pricier, but you’re paying for something that’s both delicious and scientifically proven to be good for you. It’s not just food; it’s like medicine in a bottle!

Volcanic olive oil - Virgin Olive Oil
Volcanic olive oil - Virgin Olive Oil
Volcanic olive oil - Virgin Olive Oil
Volcanic olive oil - Virgin Olive Oil
Volcanic olive oil - Virgin Olive Oil
Volcanic olive oil - Virgin Olive Oil

The beneficial properties of highly phenolic olive oil

Prokopis Magiatis

Assoc. Prof.

Olive oil vs Cod liver oil!

  • In Greece we find it difficult that specially certified olive oil can act as a food supplement or as a medicinal food, but very easily through advertising we accept the same for fish oil (ω 3 fats).
  • Yet both fall under the same European legislative framework 432/2102

Food or medicine?

  • Olive oil is not a simple food nor a simple source of lipids
  • It contains unique microelements with a peculiar chemical structure that enter the human body through daily nutrition and have an effect on our health.
  • The only known edible source of these specialized chemical components is the olive fruit and olive oil
  • Olive oil is in the middle between food and medicine, an excellent example of Hippocratic medicine

Olive - olive oil

  • Dioscorides and after him all ancient doctors recommend that the best health effects and the longest durability are those of oil from unripe olives (and therefore not all are the same!)
  • Many reports speak of its use for toothaches or headaches.
  • Clear evidence for anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity



  • Oleocanthal (decarboxymethyl ligstroside
    aglycone) (Oleocanthal) has anti-inflammatory action similar to Ibuprofen
  • Inhibition of the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in experimental animals
  • COX 1 and COX 2 inhibitor
  • Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
  • Antitumor activity
  • Antioxidant activity
  • “Phytochemistry: Ibuprofenlike activity in extra-virgin olive oil.” Beauchamp, Gary K. et al. Nature (2005), 437(7055), 45-46

Olive oil

  • Oleasin has a structure similar to oleocanthal.
  • It is a derivative of hydroxytyrosol and is the most powerful antioxidant in olive oil.
  • It is also a LOX inhibitor

Oleuropein aglycone (aldehyde form)

  • Strong antioxidant activity
  • Protection of laboratory animals from Alzheimer’s

Aglycone ligstroside (aldehyde form)

  • Antioxidant activity
  • Antimetastatic

European Regulation 432/2012

  • An olive oil that can provide 5 mg of hydroxytyrosol and its derivatives (oleuropein and tyrosol complex) per day offers protection against LDL oxidation (i.e. protection of the cardiovascular system).
  • Hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol are found in free form in olive oil at a minimal percentage (<10 mg/Kg).

  • Oleocanthal, oleagin and secondarily the aglycones of oleuropein and ligstroside are the main forms of conjugated hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol in Greek oils (up to and >3000 mg/Kg).

  • We have developed a reliable method that measures all the substances in the regulation and provides the necessary certificates to support the health claim.

(Melliou, Magiatis et al JAFC 2014)

The importance of ox LDL

  • The words used in the claim are unfortunately not “attractive”

Clinical and experimental studies beyond the European health claim

Oleocanthal and Alzheimer's

ACS Chem Neurosci. 2013 Jun 19;4(6):973-82.
Olive-oil-derived oleocanthal
enhances β-amyloid clearance as a potential neuroprotective
mechanism against Alzheimer’s disease: in vitro and in vivo studies.
Abuznait AH, Qosa H, Busenena BA, EI Sayed KA, Kaddoumi A.

Oleocanthal reduces total Aβ and Aβ plaques

Oleocanthal and Alzheimer's

Greek olive oil (The Governor) rich in oleocanthal was able to stop the progression of the disease in laboratory animals

Oleocanthal and Alzheimer's

  • Greek olive oil from Chalkidiki (YIANNIS) rich in oleocanthal was able to reduce symptoms and stop the progression of the disease in volunteers with mild cognitive impairment (early stage Alzheimer’s)
  • The volunteers ate 40 grams of olive oil per day for a year and were compared with a group of volunteers who ate the same amount of regular olive oil.
  • The study was conducted in Thessaloniki by Professor of Neurology Ms. Tsolaki (Hellenic Alzheimer Society)
  • CONFIRMATION for the first time of the results that existed in experimental animals
  • J. Alzheimer Disease Oct 2020

Olive oil and Alzheimer's disease

Olive Oil and Cancer

Olive Oil and Cancer

Olive Oil and Multiple Sclerosis in Experimental Animals

Animal model: Experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE) induction

10 mg/kg/day, i.p injection

In collaboration with:
Dr. Marisa Nieto
Universidad de Valladolid
Antioxidants Dec 2020

Animal model: Experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE) induction

  • 10 mg/kg/day, i.p injection
  • Oleasin and oleocanthal were able to cross the blood-brain barrier and exert a clear and potent protective effect.
  • Oleocanthal and oleaginous were isolated from E-LA-WON oil

Olive Oil and Multiple Sclerosis - Clinical Study

  • The study in Cyprus and Thessaloniki is ongoing

Olive oil and autism

  • WOCH financially supports the first study in Greece on the impact of high phenolic olive oil on children with autism spectrum disorders.
  • The study is being conducted in collaboration with the professor of neuropsychology at the National University of Athens, Ms. Economou.
  • Olive oil sponsors
  • Mathiopoulos-Androulakis
  • Therian

Olive oil and autism

  • The study has been underway since early June 2021 with the first 10 children and will be expanded to more in collaboration with the Special Autism Treatment Unit (ETHMA, Panagiotis and Aglaia Kyriakou Children’s Hospital)
  • The study was based on the first positive findings that emerged from daily use of Greek high phenolic olive oil in 20 children in California.

Olive oil and athletic performance

  • The first study is being conducted on the effect of high phenolic olive oil on athletes to increase endurance
  • Collaboration with Prof. H. Tsolakis (Gymnastics Academy, National University of Athens)
Privacy Policy - Volcanic Olive Oil

Olive oil and platelet aggregation in diabetic patients

Olive oils rich in oleocanthal reduce collagen-induced platelet aggregation

Blue: Super market control oil
Red: California Arbequina (High in oleicin 12 mg dose)
Green: Kalamata oil* (High in oleocanthal 12 mg dose)
Purple: Ibuprofen (400 mg dose)

* Oil from Akritochori, Lampaina and Lefchohora

The discovery of oleoglycine

How does oleocanthal circulate in the body?

  • It reacts instantly with the glycine present in every biological fluid and is transformed into oleoglycine which penetrates the blood-brain barrier and reaches the brain where it exerts its action.
  • ACS Pharmacology 2021, 4, 1, 179–192

Results of clinical studies from other universities

  • 50 patients with hypertension => 2.5 points drop in blood pressure only on HPEVOO Compared to LPEVOO 3 weeks

Blood pressure/phenolic content


161 mg/kg vs refined; 50 ml/day; crossover; 3 weeks each oil
High phenolic EVOO: lowered systolic BP; no change in diastolic
Fito, M. Athero. 2005; 181:149.


564 mg/kg vs refined; 60 ml/day crossover; 8 weeks each oil
High phenolic EVOO: lowered systolic and diastolic
Moreno-Luna, R. Am J Hypertension. 2012, 25:1299

366 mg/kg vs 2.7 mg/kg; 25 ml/day; crossover; 3 weeks each oil
High phenolic EVOO: decrease in diastolic BP no change for systolic BP Castaner, O. AJCN. 2012, 95:1238

40 patients, 25 ml daily => reduction in cholesterol and inflammatory markers


  • Spain
    n = 24 (women)
    564 mg/kg vs refined olive oil; 60 ml/day
    crossover; 8 weeks each oil
    Extra virgin olive oil with 564 mg/kg compared to baseline:
    decreased c-reactive protein (CRP) 1.9 mg/L
    Moreno-Luna, R. Am J Hypertension. 2012, 25:1299
  • Spain
    n= 28; stable coronary disease 161 mg/kg v 14.67 mg/kg; 50 ml
    crossover; 3 weeks each oil
    Extra virgin olive oil:
    Fito, M. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2008, 62:570.

“the level of systemic inflammation as measured by circulating levels of Creactive protein (CRP) has been linked to prognosis in patients with atherosclerotic disease, congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, myocarditis, aortic valve disease and heart transplantation.”

  • 20 patients with prediabetes
  • Improvement of vascular endothelial function only in high phenolic olive oil compared to refined
  • The oil is not (yet) a MEDICINE in the strict scientific sense of the term.
  • The oil is an officially recognized health food under specific conditions of chemical composition.
  • Under these conditions, the market for the parallel health sector opens up with the creation of innovative products.

In progress

  • Today, five clinical trials are being conducted with specially selected Greek oils (one in America UC Davis for cardiovascular and five in Greece for cardiovascular, Alzheimer’s, sclerosis, diabetes, autism).
  • New MINNESOTA study: Neurofibromatosis

New trend

  • Price formation based on phenolic content.
  • An oil that contains twice the amount of phenols as another can provide the same beneficial effects with half the amount consumed. It makes sense that it would have a higher price.

Pnyka 2017: Adoption of an olive tree for the establishment of the World Olive Center for Health

Site:, Facebook: World Olive Center for Health

OLYMPIA AWARDS Old Parliament, May 15, 2022

Olive Lab & Shop: The first store worldwide exclusively with health-protective olive oil


  • Eleni Melliou
  • Panagiotis Diamantakos, Emilia Rigakou, Annia Tsolakou, Katerina Papakonstantinou, Christos Papanikolaou
  • Prof. Diomedes Logothetis (Northeastern University)
  • Dan Flynn (UC Davis olive center)
Volcanic olive oil - Virgin Olive Oil
Volcanic olive oil - Virgin Olive Oil